Thursday, February 19, 2009

Toe Nails

No, not my toe nails ---------- my corgi girls toe nails. Dennis has always used the dremmel to shorten their nails. It isn't a challenge with Jamie that much. She wil freely come & allow you do to it. But toward the end she's getting aggitated. PLUS when finished she has to bark at the dremmel to let it know who is boss. She then gets some peanut butter. Malen has to be bribed out of her hiding place to allow you to work on her. Once started she is usually ok & gets her treat at the end.

BUT I have never done this before. This was Dennis' job & all I did was get the corgis & provide the treats. I have never even held the dremmel before!! But today was the day. It has been 3 months & 1 day since Dennis died. Their nails had not been trimmed in at least 3 months & 4 days & you could certainly hear those little toe nails clicking on the lineolum.

Overall everything went well. Jamie got nervous at the end & told the dremmel "what for". Malen had to be bribed, but we (with a little help from Willie) got it done. I have now learned something new.


Syd said...

Step by step, the Lord is with you and so is Dennis. Isn't it amazing how what seems to be small things are rather large to us. Good job Wanda.

(I am the one who bought the Peacock Wheel)

Wanda said...

Oh yes Syd, I know who you are. Dennis was so thrilled to sell you the wheel!!

How true, when you've never done it before it becomes quite large. But God is here & He cares. Step by step every day, going forward, remembering the past, but not dwelling in the past.

Thanks for keeping in touch Syd, hope you are enjoying your wheel!!

Syd said...

Oh yes, I have been lurking reading your blog...keeping you in my prayers. I love my new baby! I even named her Julie. She needed a couple of tiny adjustments and is spinning like a champ! Am working on some lace yarn with her right now. I think of both you and Dennis when ever I sit down with her.

Wanda said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying Julie. Dennis' wheel is a Reeves Frame wheel & I do not plan on selling it so guess I'll have to learn to spin on it!! Keep in touch!